Obligatory "About me" post + FAQs

You may wonder what qualifications do I have to blog on this topic?

I am a successful AI sperm donor; have served as one for several years

If you are interested in using my services as a donor (and not just a blog writer :) you are very welcome to email me (my blogger.com profile includes my email) and I will send you detailed info about myself as a donor and why I'm a good choice as a donor.

Some basic info about myself as a person:
  • Am in great health and shape, no STDs, don't do drugs/alcohol. I have good genes and good health/genetics in my family as well. 
  • Lead active lifestyle (bicycle, swimming, hiking). In shape. Good looking.
  • Have graduate degree in a STEM field, high IQ, stable good career, and musical talent.
Some basic info about myself as a donor:

  • I am an AI (Artificial Insemination) donor, and do not want any parental rights. Just a donor.
  • Virile - inseminations usually succeed from 1st or 2d try. However I am willing to donate more than once till insemination succeeds even if it takes longer. Willing to later donate for siblings if you ask. 
  • I'm fine with little or no contact after birth and actually prefer that.
  • I'm reliable and solid. If I commit to a donation I won't flake out and will always show up. 


  • Q: What do you mean "Successful" donor?
  • A: As of the time of writing this post, as a donor I helped 4 different couple conceive 5 babies.
  • Q: Do you still donate?
  • A: Yes. If this blog is still up I'm still willing to donate,
  • Q: Do you do AI (Artificial Insemination) donations?
  • A: Yes. I am an AI donor. 
  • Q: Do you charge money for donating?
  • A: NO. Donations are always 100% free as long as you are local to me (live or travel here).
  • Q: I would like to know more about you. Why don't you post more details here?
  • A: Privacy considerations. You are welcome to email me  (my blogger.com profile includes my email) and I will send you detailed info about myself as a donor and answer any questions that won't reveal my identity.
  • Q: What do you look like?
  • A: I can e-mail you my photo if you so desire. See the last Q&A.
  • Q: Why do you have this blog?
  • A: I found that as I communicated to prospective recipients, I had to email them the same exact information time after time (How much shipping costs, why I donate anonymously, why I won't sign any contracts etc...). I have decided that it would be better for everyone if I simply put that all down into a blog. The benefits are:
    • The blog is (hopefully) a helpful resource to people on Internet. You are welcome :)
    • The info is now in polished, well-thought out posts instead of ad-hoc emails.
    • I don't have to hunt down for bespoke pieces of info among old emails
  • Q: Would you be willing to donate to me? I am some-race, some-sexual-orientation.
  • A: Yes. I only care that you will be a good parent. I do not care what color your skin is or who you choose to engage in intimate time with. I previously donated to all races and people all over Kinsey chart. And you have my sympathies if you experienced rejection in the past based on some stupid prejudice. 
  • Q: I am single, would you donate to me?
  • A: I am willing to donate to people who are single, as long as they do NOT expect me to co-parent or otherwise be involved outside of being a donor. And hopefully they understand that being a single parent is a pretty difficult job.


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