Do you ship?

The answer to "Do you ship?" question is "Almost never".

Before we even start talking about me, my advice is, you will be better off (less risk AND likely less cost) simply traveling to New York City/New Jersey for in-person AI donation, rather than trying to deal with shipping.

This post is to explain why I almost never ship. It will also cover what can be done to make me be willing to ship to you in case you legitimately cannot travel and thus cannot take my advice above.

The main reason I avoid shipping is because I only donate as anonymous donor.
  • I donate sperm for free. But that does not mean I am willing to use my own money to pay for shipping - you would have to cover the cost. AND 
  • Paying for shipping involves two separate costs:
    1. Cost of shipping kit (plus shipping and handlingh charges from kit company). 
    2. Cost of UPS Air Next Day shipping of the sperm to you.
  • So, if you want me to ship, you have to pay for full shipping costs. 
  • BUT, you need to do it in a way that keeps me anonymous.
  • It's possible to arrange for anonymous and safe coverage of UPS shipping costs - you can pre-pay UPS shipment label from UPS store near me, without knowing my identity - or without sending me any money.
  • However, I don't know of any anonymous, safe and easy way to cover the cost of the kit:
    • If you pay for the kit and have it shipped to my address, that breaks my anonymity.
    • If I pay for the kit and hope you pay me back after insemination, I risk that you'll con me and refuse to pay, so I'm out $110-$250, for my trouble of helping people. 
    • If you send me the money via PayPal, you run the opposite risk (I take your money and don't ship). I know I'm not a con man or a flake, but let's be honest, you don't know that.
So, if you absolutely, positively, definitely need me to ship to you, you need to:
  1. Pre-pay for UPS Air Next Day (or Next Day Early) label from UPS center of my choice, to you.
  2. Send me the cost of shipping kit (plus the seller's shipping charge if they don't offer free shipping) in advance, anonymously, via paypal; accepting the risk that comes with such arrangement.
  3. Alternately, come up with another way which allows me to preserve my anonymity and avoid the risk of losing money. I couldn't think of one, but maybe you can. I'm open to ideas. 
Other reasons I prefer not to ship, in addition to the main one above:
  • Shipping is less likely to succeed than local donations. So if I can donate to someone locally on specific days, I will do that, instead of using up my sperm on less-likely-to-work shipping.
  • Shipping is a logistical hassle for me. I need to spend time ordering the kit, store both the kit in my home and more importantly, the freezing agent in my freezer; then I need to go to UPS center to drop off donation - which is only open during my work hours.

P.S. Some people naively ask "Why don't I just ship the kit to P.O.Box". The answer is "Please go Google how much a P.O.Box rental is per month - especially one that accepts larger packages. I don't have one right now, and don't see why I would pay a pretty hefty sum for one just so I can ship to you".


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