
Obligatory "About me" post + FAQs

You may wonder what qualifications do I have to blog on this topic? I am a successful AI sperm donor; have served as one for several years If you are interested in using my services as a donor (and not just a blog writer :) you are very welcome to email me ( my profile includes my email ) and I will send you detailed info about myself as a donor and why I'm a good choice as a donor. Some basic info about myself as a person: Am in great health and shape, no STDs, don't do drugs/alcohol. I have good genes and good health/genetics in my family as well.  Lead active lifestyle (bicycle, swimming, hiking). In shape. Good looking. Have graduate degree in a STEM field, high IQ, stable good career, and musical talent. Some basic info about myself as a donor: I am an AI (Artificial Insemination) donor, and do not want any parental rights . Just a donor. Virile - inseminations usually succeed from 1st or 2d try. However I am willing to donate more than once t

How to get me to ship sperm to you

 As I discussed earlier on this blog, I almost never ship sperm . In short, the main reasons are because: Shipping is quite expensive I only donate anonymously .  The only way for me to maintain my anonymity is to have full costs of shipping pre-paid by recipient Donating locally is more likely to work.  So on a given day, if there is a choice, I will donate locally instead of ship, always Shipping is a hassle for me For detailed explanations of all that, see the blog link above If you absolutely, positively, definitely need me to ship to you, you need to: Pre-pay for UPS Air Next Day (or Next Day Early) label from UPS center of my choice, to you. Send me the cost of shipping kit (plus the seller's shipping charge if they don't offer free shipping) in advance, anonymously, via paypal/Venmo ; accepting the risk that comes with such arrangement. Alternately, come up with another way which allows me to preserve my anonymity and avoid the risk of losing money. I couldn't thin

What should I ask the donor? I'm new!

Some of the recipients I deal with are pretty new to the whole process.  Understandably, they don't even know what they should ask.  To help them, here is a basic list of things to consider, and ask the donor. This list is somewhat geared towards donors and recipients interested in Artificial Insemination (AI) donations.  Location/Travel:   Does the donor live nearby? Remember, sperm cannot survive in a jar longer than 1 hour, and realistically should not be longer than 20 minutes for good chances of conception. If donor is not nearby, are you willing and able to travel to them?  Would it be a same-day trip, or require an overnight?  If overnight, where do the recipients stay (at a hotel, at the other person's house, etc)?  More importantly, where will you inseminate that is within 20 (at most 60) minutes of donation location? Some people get a hotel room, some inseminate in their car. In some (very rare for Artificial insemination) cases an AI donor will be gracious enough to

Why do I help women by donating sperm?

 People often ask me why I chose to become a sperm donor, or why I donate? There are multiple reasons (humans are complicated that way :) Since I really enjoy being a parent, it is an honor to assist someone who wishes to have and raise a child, to experience same joy. I get to have the privilege of literally gifting someone a gift of life. I know that some women/couples can become great parents, but are not wealthy enough to afford sperm banks (which can cost thousands of dollars). I can offer those women help that they need, since I do not charge anything as a donor - all of my donations are 100% free if done locally.  I'm a product of literally hundreds of millions years of evolution, all honed in on one purpose: propagate my genes. Anyone who donates sperm who does not admit to this motivation is either lying to you, or to themselves. As an extra bonus, I have pretty good genes to give to any offspring. How did my serving as a donor start?   A lesbian friend of mine had a hard

Do you ship?

The answer to "Do you ship?" question is " Almost never ". Before we even start talking about me, m y advice is, you will be better off (less risk AND likely less cost) simply traveling to New York City/New Jersey for in-person AI donation, rather than trying to deal with shipping . This post is to explain why I almost never ship. It will also cover what can be done to make me be willing to ship to you in case you legitimately cannot travel and thus cannot take my advice above . The main reason I avoid shipping is because I only donate as anonymous donor . I donate sperm  for free . But that does not mean I am willing to use my own money to pay for shipping - you would have to cover the cost. AND  Paying for shipping involves two separate costs : Cost of shipping kit (plus shipping and handlingh charges from kit company).  Cost of UPS Air Next Day shipping of the sperm to you. So, if you want me to ship, you have to pay for full shipping costs.  BUT,

Shipping: not worth it! Just travel to the donor.

When a potential recipient asks me about shipping, my answer is always the same: you as a recipient should not bother with shipping. You will be better off (less risk AND likely less cost) simply traveling to where the donor is, for in-person AI donation, rather than trying to deal with shipping. Why? Costs of shipping As I calculated here , a single shipping (cost of shipping kit + delivery to you) ranges between $210 to $420 for a single shipping , depending on quality of shipping kit, whether you overnight or do 1 day delivery, and where you are located. You may need to do more than one insemination to succeed, especially since shipped sperm may not work as well - especially when opting for cheaper options. Risks of shipping You never met the person, so you don't know who you are working with.  You have no guarantee that the person used their own sperm (worst case, could be someone else's with STD) Second worst case, they simply demand pre-payment and disa

Shipping sperm - options and costs

TL;DR: Shipping kit can cost between $130 to $170 for regular and $200 for Cryo (some sites sell kits for less but they tuck ~$40 shipping charge, so total cost is the same). Shipping of sperm can cost between $80-$150 for slower riskier 24hour shipping and $110-$180 overnight (UPS Next Day Air Early), depending on location. So you are looking at a range between $210 for one shipping  at the cheapest range and $420 at more expensive range. However, please be aware that a single insemination does not always work - especially after the sperm has been shipped. So, you may need multiple shipments .  Shipping kits - 2021 edition 1. $165 for the kit, $2??? for shipping it 2. $150 for "Single TYB Donor Kit" - not 100% sure what is included and what shipping cost is. 3. Donor Home Delivery (seems different than one from 2018!) h