
Showing posts from September, 2020

Why do I help women by donating sperm?

 People often ask me why I chose to become a sperm donor, or why I donate? There are multiple reasons (humans are complicated that way :) Since I really enjoy being a parent, it is an honor to assist someone who wishes to have and raise a child, to experience same joy. I get to have the privilege of literally gifting someone a gift of life. I know that some women/couples can become great parents, but are not wealthy enough to afford sperm banks (which can cost thousands of dollars). I can offer those women help that they need, since I do not charge anything as a donor - all of my donations are 100% free if done locally.  I'm a product of literally hundreds of millions years of evolution, all honed in on one purpose: propagate my genes. Anyone who donates sperm who does not admit to this motivation is either lying to you, or to themselves. As an extra bonus, I have pretty good genes to give to any offspring. How did my serving as a donor start?   A lesbian friend of mine had a hard